5 Letter Words Ending with CT
Searching for 5 letter words that end with the double letter 'CT'? We've found 21 words that match.
Master Wordle's tricky double-letter endings with our complete list!
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Word Statistics
Total Words: 21
Average Vowels: 1.67
Common 1st Letter: 'e'
Common 2nd Letter: 'r'
Common 3rd Letter: 'a'
Frequently Asked Questions
How many 5 letter words end with CT?
There are 21 five-letter words that end with CT in our dictionary.
What letter most commonly starts words ending with CT?
In 5 letter words ending with CT, the most common first letter is 'e'.
What's the average number of vowels in 5 letter words ending with CT?
On average, 5 letter words ending with CT contain 1.67 vowels.